How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

January 9, 2022

When it comes to looking and feeling your best, the most effective strategies start from the inside out. When you eat well, exercise, and reduce your stress, you’ll feel better overall, see improved mental health, and have a brighter disposition about ever ything, including your physical appearance. If it feels like too much to tackle all at once, SilkPastelle suggests you start with small moves and build from there.

Get a Physical

If it's been awhile since you had a physical, make an appointment with your primary care provider today. According to scientists, regular check -ups can identify underlying health issues before they become problematic, and allow you an opportunity to discuss your health goals with a knowledgeable professional. Make a list of questions in a dvance. Having trouble with anxiety? Struggling to maintain a healthy weight? Looking for advice on nutrition? Your PCP will be able to guide you, or provide a referral to a trusted colleague who can help. While you're at it, make an eye and dental exam, and make sure you're current with age -appropriate tests, like mammograms and colonoscopies.

Change Your Diet


Most of us don’t eat what health care providers would describe as a healthy diet. We often overuse caffeine and alcohol, which can lead to unhealthy forms of dependence. Switching to a diet of real whole foods, like fresh fruits and produce, lean means, whole grains, and plenty of hydrating water can make a big difference in how we look and feel. If you're unsure where to start, consult a dietitian or nutritionist to help you find the best eating approach to suit your individual needs and preferences. If it all feels overwhelming, start small by replacing one soda a day with water, or replace one snack a day with fruit or a healthy smoothie and build from there.

Get Back to Exercise

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

You don't have to commit to a gym visit seven days a week to embark on a healthy lifestyle. In fact, with a little creativity, you can get in more physical activity without it having a major imp act on your schedule. For example, park far away from your office and walk to the building; take the stairs instead of the elevator. Turn on your favorite tunes and dance in your living room. Enroll in a weekly group fitness class that features fun, popula r music that makes it feel like fun rather than exercise. You might even join a hiking or biking group, take up a sport like tennis or join a company or community recreation sports league.

Eliminate Unhealthy Habits

In addition to forming good habits, it’s time to get rid of bad ones. For example, stop staying up at all hours or using electronic devices in bed. Good quality sleep allows your body time to rest, relax, and regenerate. Stop hanging out with toxic people who make you miserable - their energy can sap yours, and leave you feeli ng down and depressed. Eliminate negative self-talk - it can lead to mental health issues, prevent you from realizing your potential, and keep you in a rut. Stop putting off things like travel, self -care, time spent with family and friends, or pursuing a dream or even a new hobby. Take control of your life in a positive way.

Reduce Stress

While easier said than done, being healthy and getting on track with life goals can help reduce stress. Changing a job that makes you miserable is another healthy de-stressor. If you need a new challenge or want to expand your horizons, consider going back to school and getting a degree online. An MBA can open new doors, teach you leadership skills, and help you advance in your current line of work or an entirely new one. Online education typically allows you to work on your own time table so you can balance work, home, and school. Making changes in our lives can sometimes feel like a heavy lift. Start small if you need to, and make the focus your own personal health, wellness, and development.

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